Here Comes Rita
I've spent my afternoon buying gasoline, water and food. It's a little windy here in Shreveport but we are bracing for about 15 inches of rain and the possibility of no electricity for an extended period of time. The laundry is being washed and the bathtubs will be full tonight before we go to bed.
But if it gets real bad, I'm taking my babies home and staying with my Mom and Dad. Ummm, they have generators. ;)
My Mom has already started getting people to call me to try and convince me to leave now. We'll see.
The renewed flooding of New Orleans breaks my heart. Insult to injury to say the least.
They are re-opening shelters here while locals are fleeing themselves.
From a storefront in Lake Charles:

(A message painted on the outside of The Brew Pub in downtown Lake Charles warns would be looters. (Shane Bevel/The Times))
This story also breaks my heart. Talk about Hell on Earth.
Here is a link for a satellite view of the storm. I'm in the top left corner of La.
Pray for Louisiana and Texas.
But if it gets real bad, I'm taking my babies home and staying with my Mom and Dad. Ummm, they have generators. ;)
My Mom has already started getting people to call me to try and convince me to leave now. We'll see.
The renewed flooding of New Orleans breaks my heart. Insult to injury to say the least.
They are re-opening shelters here while locals are fleeing themselves.
From a storefront in Lake Charles:

(A message painted on the outside of The Brew Pub in downtown Lake Charles warns would be looters. (Shane Bevel/The Times))
This story also breaks my heart. Talk about Hell on Earth.
Here is a link for a satellite view of the storm. I'm in the top left corner of La.
Pray for Louisiana and Texas.