The Cotillion: Southern Style

May the music begin.
Oddybobbo gets us started by highlighting the sad story of a missing pregnant mother, but calls on all of us to band together. Go read about how we can all do this with guns and in heels!! Now that's my kind of Cotillion!
Unfortunately, kidnapping/missing victims is turning out to be an early theme: A Mom and Her Blog picks up the baton with thoughts on Elizabeth Smart's kidnapper/rapist being allowed to hide behind an insanity plea. Get this girl some justice please!
Cue the Flowers!

Pamela at Atlas Shrugs is really, really upset with the insane idea of selling Iran nuclear fuel. Thanks to "Eurabia" of course. Click the link to get the details.
Calling a terrorist an actual terrorist? Oh the humanity. Are You Conservative? has the story out of the Boston Globe no less. Who would've thought it possible?
Staying with terrorism for the next post, Kathy at Cake Eater Chronicles discusses the lesson moderate muslims should pick up from some amazing women rejecting the IRA's usual tactics. Woman Power = Great Change! It can happen.

Meanwhile, Baldilocks reminds us all why the U.S. has a mighty arsenol of mass destruction. Dahlin', I completely agree.
Cheap shots in politics? You betcha. This week a White House reporter, that's about 150 years old, got into a little media storm of her own about a certain little comment. Don't be shy! You know what I'm talking about. Well, one blog challenged the rest of us in the blogosphere to stop making a big deal of people's appearances and strictly argue positions. Janette at Common Sense Runs Wild is putting forth the opposite position. I report, you click away and decide.

Under religion, Ith at Absinthe & Cookies reminds us how God valued friendships and that some churches are failing to recognize the relationship in the same way He did.
Raven at And Rightly So is serving up a New England Linkfest for all to enjoy. Hey! Can you believe I was still living there just a short 5 weeks ago? Just like a dream...
Okay, I'm back. Really....Oh, that music is nice. When is someone going to ask me to dance?
Annika's Journal reminds us of an important Civil War anniversary. That'll keep us all from getting too girly around here.
Carol at An American Housewife shares her beach pictures. The post is much more than that...go have a look.
Well midnight is approaching and I don't want my carriage to turn back to a pumpkin before I get home. I hope you've all enjoyed dancing with us all tonight. Don't forget the other ladies: Portia Rediscovered, Ilyka Damen and sisu.