Leaving Rhode Island
For my last RI post, I wanted to talk about what I will always remember as my best memory of my time here. We've had a lot of great memories here of course, and have many great friends as well, but one event will always stand out for me.
Though I had been raised in a christian home all my life, I had never been baptised. At the time we moved here I had been thinking about this quite a bit and had started doing research about whether or not it was really 'required'. Of course I found great controversy over this particular point and started feeling guilty about looking for the answer at all. Because I did know that Jesus commanded us all to be baptised and here I was trying to see if I could get off on a technicallity.
A few months later, sitting in church, they announced that the next week there would be an opportunity to be baptised; I decided at that moment that I would participate. And boy, am I glad I did! The ceremony was held on a beautiful lake. Around thirty people were being baptised on a beautiful summer day and it was incredible to watch all the people take their turn. Whole families waded into the water together to be dunked. It was the most perfect setting. We all had an opportunity to say whatever we wanted before being dipped. It was an incredibly moving and memorable moment made all the sweeter by having my husband and two sons there to watch. That one memory makes it all worth it.
I would also like to take a moment and thank my colleagues and friends at work: Maggie, Celia and Kristy - Thanks for all the wonderful mentoring and friendship - I'll never forget you guys.
Big shout out to Rocco for all the blogging opportunities and for treating my family to a great Saturday and many other outstanding dinners. Other blogging pals that I've met in Rhode Island include Justin Katz and Andrew Morse. You've all been great and it was a pleasure to be able to meet you in person.
Our most favorite place to visit in RI is Newport. I highly recommend it if you can get there. We went this past Sunday for Father's Day. Here are some pics:
View from the CliffWalk:

Ok, Ok...I really like the flowers:

Father's Day Pic of the Day:

My boys after a long afternoon:

I'll be seeing everyone on the other side. Pray for a safe, smooth move!