
Friday, February 04, 2005

Remembering David Bloom

Of all the criticizing we do around here of the MSM, from time to time, it is nice to highlight a reporter that was great. I always enjoyed watching David Bloom. I remember watching him become more and more matted with sand as the early days of the Iraqi war were underway. His hair was sticking straight up and out within a few days of moving out. My husband and I even laughed about it. Then on a Sunday morning, as soon as I woke up, I turned on the T.V. to see what had been going on in the war. I remember the news of Bloom's death passing by on the running ticker at the bottom of the screen. It was hard to believe. When you watch someone everyday, you really do feel like you knew them, especially after watching his appearance change and his many reports. Watching him experience the onward move toward Baghdad was like being there yourself. I was in a funk the whole day. He was so young, it was just hard to believe.

Michelle Malkin has a great post with an anecdotal story about his daughters and bringing attention to DVT awareness month. David Bloom died of complications from a DVT (DVT: a clot that forms in your veins, usually the legs. If it becomes dislodged it will get caught in the lungs and becomes a Pulmonary Embolism).

Peace can be found in the fact that he was a christian. Here is an excerpt from the last e-mail he sent his wife, Melanie:
"I hope and pray all my guys get out of this in one piece, but I'll tell you, Mel, I am at peace. Here I am, supposedly at the peak of professional success, but I could, frankly, care less. It's nothing compared to my relationship with you and the girls and Jesus."

He did not know he was to die soon, nonetheless David told his family, “when the moment comes in my life when you are talking about my last days, I am determined that you and others will say ‘he was devoted to his wife and children, he was admired, he gave every ounce of his being for those whom he cared most about… not himself, but God and his family.’”
There was a rare journalist for you. May he rest in peace.